The Highgate Harriers & Mornington Chasers composite team missed out by just one match point to go up to the next Division 2 of the Southern Athletics League after the end of the season. The final positions after all four matches of the North London League Division 3 were: 1. Serpentine RC 969 Match points (21 League points); 2, Highgate Harriers/Mornington Chasers, 968 (21); 3, Enfield & Haringey, 867.5 (18); 4, Ilford AC, 612.5 (10); 5, Newham & Essex Beagles, 594 (7); 6, Orion Harriers, 528 (7).
On 13 August in the final league match of the season at Woodford, Serpentine amassed 267 match points with Highgate second with 230. That was the telling blow for the club who, previously at Parliament Hill looked like winning overall. However, Press Secretary Alastair Aitken said "Highgate Harriers, as a force are one of the top cross-country and road clubs in the UK but this League is a means of getting the club men and women, particularly in the area, to enjoy not too heavily committed competition for their club as a whole."
Some of those standing out as winners in the final club match at Woodford on the 13th of August were: Under 17 Remy Weinbrecht (long jump and second in high jump); Felicity Williamson-Sarll (1500m); Karina Thornton (1500m steeplechase and second in 3000m). Some other names that shone included Daniele Biagi and Karina Kelly.